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Clary Sage and Pine are Ideal Essential Oils for Fall

One of my favorite ways to stay in tune with the Fall is using essential oils that resonate with it, according to acupuncture and herbal  theory. Clary Sage and Pine are considered Fall oils, and have a powerful effect on the Lung organ and Lung system, which are also associated with Fall. In acupuncture theory,…

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“Physician, heal thyself”: how this acupuncturist stays well

People often ask me how I take care of myself. “You’re an acupuncturist; do you give yourself acupuncture?” The answer is yes and no. No, I do not usually needle myself because I cannot always perceive myself objectively, so I prefer to have another trusted acupuncturist treat me. It’s nice to be taken care of,…

How 11 + 6 Essential Oils Can Help Take Care of Your Body and Mind Now
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How 11 + 6 Essential Oils Can Help Take Care of Your Body and Mind Now

Taking care of ourselves during this new and unfamiliar normal demands a variety of solutions. Essential oils can help take care of your body and mind.  Not every solution or tool may be appropriate every day.  But it’s good to have options. Over the next several days, I’ll share a variety of options that include…

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Here is your National Chocolate Mousse Day recipe!

April 3rd is National Tweed Day and also National Chocolate Mousse day (really). I have a great recipe for chocolate mousse so we’re going with that. I found this recipe in the NEW YORK TIMES magazine within the last few months (pre-Covid-19), and decided to “test drive” it on dinner guests. Before we could finish our…

Welcoming Winter with essential oils of Cedar, Juniper and Geranium
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Welcoming Winter with essential oils of Cedar, Juniper and Geranium

We are now experiencing the shifting rhythms of the season, which officially transitions on Thursday, 12/21/17, at 8:28 a.m. (Pacific time). The days are shorter, we’re busy with holiday preparations, kids are chomping at the bit to be finished with school for the year, different home recipes are coming into rotation (soup!), and then there…