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Now: Lungs, Large Intestines, and Skin & the Metal Element in Fall

This the second article in a short seasonal series, which focuses on the body.  The previous article introduced the concept of Five Element acupuncture theory and the seasonal associations of Fall. In the body we turn our attention to the Lungs, Large Intestines, and our skin. It might seem odd that those organs would be…

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Everything Fall: Introducing The Metal Element

In acupuncture theory, the 5 Elements and their many correspondences hold, explain and organize EVERYTHING. The Metal element associates with Fall, so let’s jump in! EVERYTHING FALL, THE METAL ELEMENT:  Classical Five Element Acupuncture is organized around the 5 Elements and their associations. Fall is associated with Metal, the Lungs and Large Intestines, our skin,…

Qi Gong and Skin Brushing are 2 Ways to Keep your Lungs Healthy Now
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Qi Gong and Skin Brushing are 2 Ways to Keep your Lungs Healthy Now

Covid-19 affects the lungs. So now is the time to use various strategies to keep our lungs healthy. Here are two easy steps you can add to your “helpful list of things to.” Try these out and see how you like them. LUNGS & ACUPUNCTURE THEORY: Being able to take in a deep breath refreshes…