The Pack Has Your Back: 2018 is the Yang Earth Dog Year!
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The Pack Has Your Back: 2018 is the Yang Earth Dog Year!

We welcome the Yang Earth Dog year on 16 February, 2018! This article will explain how each year acquires its name and characteristics, and how it might play out in weather, society, relationships and health. And why it’s a good year for singing! Each year is governed by one of the 12 zodiac animals, according…

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“Welcome Fragrance:” Every Acupuncture Point Tells a Story

When you come for acupuncture, the points used tell the story of your treatment, a bit about acupuncture theory and where you were needled. Most of the 400 points we learn in acupuncture school are assigned to a “channel” that describes what organ they are associated with and where they are on the body (arm…