Your Winter Water Mind
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Your Winter Water Mind

The pandemic may give you the nudge – or imperative-  to scale back your normal holiday activities and take advantage of a quieter-than-normal holiday season.  Here’s why you should go with that flow this year. Most importantly, it may keep you safe and help you avoid getting (or spreading) the Covid-19 virus. It may also help…

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This pandemic could help you resonate with natural winter rhythms

What we’re being asked to accept in Winter 2020 as a temporary normal may be closer to the natural rhythm of the seasons than we have ever wanted to acknowledge, accept or conform to. The pandemic is forcing us to re-think this Winter. Our challenge is to accept it, to rise to the need for…

Adapting acupuncture treatments during pandemic times
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Adapting acupuncture treatments during pandemic times

I am happy to announce several new treatment options to reflect safety and budget considerations to help you get through these pandemic times.  We are all needing to adapt to the current circumstances, and I hope these offerings will help you get the help you want and need. REDUCED CONTACT TIMES: Even though I am…

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Wash your mask! Wash your face! The how and why of mask hygiene.

As a health care professional, I have triple-layer disposable masks for when I see patients, and re-usable cloth masks with filters for trips to the grocery store, post office, outdoor exercise and other short errands.  But as the months have worn on, with cases increasing daily, masks will continue to be an indispensable accessory, so…

Your back hurts, but it might really be a heart-ache
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Your back hurts, but it might really be a heart-ache

We function on many levels, and a great acupuncture treatment will attempt to meet you at your highest level of need, whatever that is at the moment.  This is why your treatments change from appointment to appointment, even if you are coming for a series of treatment for a specific issue. The same song, if…