How (and why) to make an easy Foot Soak with essential oils now
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How (and why) to make an easy Foot Soak with essential oils now

Five reasons why you should make a foot soak with essential oils as a part of your self-care now: Until a few years ago, I was a “bath” person. I didn’t take them often, but when I did, I made them just to my liking, using essential oils, apple cider vinegar, seaweed, sea salt, pink…

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How to up your breakfast game: the gift of a “wet” breakfast

By exploring a traditional and versatile Asian breakfast meal called Congee or Jook, you can incorporate enough variety to keep it interesting, transform breakfast into a healthful cooking practice, and even have tasty left-overs for tomorrow! Bonus: Congee is so versatile you can also have it for lunch or dinner! Congee can improve your digestion,…

You have a face mask & hand sanitizer; what happens when the government loosens physical distancing?
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You have a face mask & hand sanitizer; what happens when the government loosens physical distancing?

Doctors and scientists realized early on that the Covid-19 pandemic was rapidly expanding because we were experiencing “community spread.”  That is what led to the current Safer-At-Home restrictions. People are still getting sick, the virus is still out there.  So how do we emerge safely back into our communities, even in a limited way, without…

How 11 + 6 Essential Oils Can Help Take Care of Your Body and Mind Now
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How 11 + 6 Essential Oils Can Help Take Care of Your Body and Mind Now

Taking care of ourselves during this new and unfamiliar normal demands a variety of solutions. Essential oils can help take care of your body and mind.  Not every solution or tool may be appropriate every day.  But it’s good to have options. Over the next several days, I’ll share a variety of options that include…

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Here is your National Chocolate Mousse Day recipe!

April 3rd is National Tweed Day and also National Chocolate Mousse day (really). I have a great recipe for chocolate mousse so we’re going with that. I found this recipe in the NEW YORK TIMES magazine within the last few months (pre-Covid-19), and decided to “test drive” it on dinner guests. Before we could finish our…