I choose to be vaccinated against Covid-19
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I choose to be vaccinated against Covid-19

I just received my first dose of the SARS Covid-19 vaccine… and that puts me on “Team Moderna.” I believe the best medicine is what is appropriate under the circumstances. For me in this pandemic, the best medicine is to be vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus.  I went to Dodger Stadium (along with thousands of…

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This pandemic could help you resonate with natural winter rhythms

What we’re being asked to accept in Winter 2020 as a temporary normal may be closer to the natural rhythm of the seasons than we have ever wanted to acknowledge, accept or conform to. The pandemic is forcing us to re-think this Winter. Our challenge is to accept it, to rise to the need for…

Live theater, how I miss it!
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Live theater, how I miss it!

Our “family sport” is live theater, and how I miss it! We like basketball (woo, Lakers!), but we really love theater. Of all the many losses we’ve endured since the pandemic, the loss of live theater has left a unique hole in our lives. But that hole is starting to be filled again. Even though…

The Gift of Losing My Office
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The Gift of Losing My Office

You’re kidding, right? Where is the gift of losing my office? In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic?! Well, when one office door closes, another office door opens! I’m here to tell you that the cliches are sometimes true. On March 13th, I closed my acupuncture office and waited for the all-clear to re-open, and…

How (and why) to make an easy Foot Soak with essential oils now
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How (and why) to make an easy Foot Soak with essential oils now

Five reasons why you should make a foot soak with essential oils as a part of your self-care now: Until a few years ago, I was a “bath” person. I didn’t take them often, but when I did, I made them just to my liking, using essential oils, apple cider vinegar, seaweed, sea salt, pink…