Nude Recreation Week? International Skinny Dipping Day? Are any of these in your calendar?!
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Nude Recreation Week? International Skinny Dipping Day? Are any of these in your calendar?!

What does International Skinny Dipping Day (July 11th), the bikini and Nude Recreation Week have in common? They are all related to the month of July!  And if you’re going to partake in any of them, you’ll need protection! The bikini had its debut in July 1945, and the week after the 4th of July…

Acupuncture theory explains why you need to move your body and how it will help you with “pandemic head”
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Acupuncture theory explains why you need to move your body and how it will help you with “pandemic head”

Many years ago, I was taking a yoga teacher training class from the renowned teacher BKS Iyengar, and he was not happy with the level of attention of our class. He accused us of being “monkeys who had been drinking beer and had just been bitten by a scorpion.”  Even though we are finding ways…