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This pandemic could help you resonate with natural winter rhythms

What we’re being asked to accept in Winter 2020 as a temporary normal may be closer to the natural rhythm of the seasons than we have ever wanted to acknowledge, accept or conform to. The pandemic is forcing us to re-think this Winter. Our challenge is to accept it, to rise to the need for…

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November is National Skin Care Month: 10 reasons to give your skin some TLC

Most of us think summer skin needs more care than winter skin, but it ain’t necessarily so. As long as you are still active, sweating, wearing a protective mask and exposed to weather, your skin needs TLC. Has “pandemic fatigue” hit your skin care routine?   So let’s hit re-start and see what, if anything, needs…

Adapting acupuncture treatments during pandemic times
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Adapting acupuncture treatments during pandemic times

I am happy to announce several new treatment options to reflect safety and budget considerations to help you get through these pandemic times.  We are all needing to adapt to the current circumstances, and I hope these offerings will help you get the help you want and need. REDUCED CONTACT TIMES: Even though I am…

Live theater, how I miss it!
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Live theater, how I miss it!

Our “family sport” is live theater, and how I miss it! We like basketball (woo, Lakers!), but we really love theater. Of all the many losses we’ve endured since the pandemic, the loss of live theater has left a unique hole in our lives. But that hole is starting to be filled again. Even though…

The Gift of Losing My Office
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The Gift of Losing My Office

You’re kidding, right? Where is the gift of losing my office? In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic?! Well, when one office door closes, another office door opens! I’m here to tell you that the cliches are sometimes true. On March 13th, I closed my acupuncture office and waited for the all-clear to re-open, and…